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Medical Clinic Building
The nearest doctors to this community are about 2 hours away – for those who can actually afford the transportation. Our goal is to provide a medical clinic in this community. We have already secured the land and now need the funds to build the center and provide solar power and water filtration.
Total cost remaining for this project is about $175,000 USD
Ministry Vehicle
Getting to this remote area of Haiti is difficult—bringing in supplies on what amounts to a moped is difficult and expensive. The “road” to the orphanage crosses a river twice and any times of the year can only be navigated in a 4-wheel-drive vehicle. When missions teams come in or heavier supplies (such as large bags of rice and beans) are delivered additional costs are incurred. We need your help in acquiring a decent 4WD vehicle for the ministry.
In Haiti, these heavy-duty vehicles cost about $65,000.00 USD.
Solar-powered Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration
Water quality is an issue throughout the nation of Haiti. Untold numbers of lives are lost every year due to poor water quality or lack of access to water. Mont Sinai has already managed to divert water to the school and orphanage, thanks in part to Rotary donations. However, the quality of the water remains inconsistent and at times is laden with bacteria that can cause serious health problems or even death. Additionally, during droughts the water supply can dry up. We have developed and water containment system to catch and hold in reserve rain water during wet season for use during the dry season.
The contain and solar powered filtration project can be completed for about $45,000.00 USD.
Dual-Purpose School and Church Building
For years, Mont Sinai has supported the community of Gasse, which is about a 2-1/2 hour hike up a rugged mountain foot path from the orphanage. In this community Mont Sinai provide the same assistance they do at the main base, but there are additional hurdles to the work in Gasse. Currently, smaller children who cannot make the arduous hike to the school are educated in a mud structure in Gasse. This building is not safe during rainy season or during droughts, so we’d like to build a solid block building for these children.
The local community has pledged the labor but we will need to provide $40,000 worth of supplies to compete a 3-room school.
Sustainability Projects
Currently under development are several sustainability projects. Primarily, we are developing agricultural opportunities for locals to grow exportable items such as coffee, cocoa (chocolate) and moringa. Additionally, Mont Sinai has been raising goats for sustainability. These are longer-term projects that will take several years to develop, but will allow the community to receive a hard-earned income and discontinue reliance on outside donations. Check in regularly for updates in the sustainability projects.